Sunday, April 02, 2006

Creative expression

Thursday night I was burned out. I'd spent so much time inside my own head that I just couldn't stand it anymore. I put down the music, put away the MD, left my pencil on the piano.

I took a break.

Sure, it hasn't stopped my brain from whirring or me from stressing. I'm a natural worrier: I put so much pressure on myself sometimes.

Yesterday I spent the day watching Scrubs DVDs and painting. I watched the 2004 Helter Skelter film with Dad, had a nice dinner, went back to bed and watched some more. I finished my painting. I put clothes away. I didn't touch the piano.

We're in the final week. It's crunch time. I will be working every night this week. Let's hope my head doesn't explode. I'll post an update later in the week about the final two rehearsals I have, and then another post on the recording day itself.

I've wanted this so badly, but now I want it to be over. Think of me, folks, and send your well wishes to me until the weekend. I will be a mellow hippie by Sunday.

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