Friday, September 30, 2005


Hello, young lovers~

I am looking into recording an EP over the next few months. Mucho exciting. Other than that, I am writing writing writing. Lots of experimentation with different feels and styles going on at the moment. Hoping to get the site re-opened soon with a glorious new look.

Thanks for checking in! Have a great weekend.

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

::September28:: Progress report

In progress:

Never Thought (working title)
Dark Horse
On the Way Down
The Middle
I've Always Known Him


Come On
When It All Falls Away
Man Who Knows Nothing

Not Over Yet

Thrown Out (moved to MAYBE LATER pile):
To Own

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Feels like I never sleep

There is so much going on right now. The site hasn't had a single second of revamping done in months - mainly because my design team are a little tied up with other projects (finishing degrees, etc) and I've been very tied up with family and health problems.

Exhaustion sucks. Big time. It's hard to write when your energy levels are so low.

I'm planning on going through my MDs on the weekend and getting every single song recording up onto the computer. I also want to re-record a few pieces and put some words/work into a few I've been neglecting.

So things are happening. I just have to make time these days. Still counting down the months until I can quit work. ;)

Thanks for checking in. ♥

::September20:: Progress report

In progress:

Never Thought (working title)
The Middle
I've Always Known Him
When It All Falls Away
Not Over Yet
Come On


Man Who Knows Nothing

Thrown Out (moved to MAYBE LATER pile):
To Own