Monday, May 29, 2006

Find the light

MySpace have fixed their error and the new song is up on my page now. Thanks for your patience. :)


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

First listen

A track from the EP is up on my MySpace. (It's still processing while I write, so if it's not there, check again soon).



Monday, May 22, 2006


Hi folks

The EP is done! Check back soon for details on how to grab one. We're getting everything printed up and organised ASAP. So exciting!

It should be available at a few online retailers (and a few select US stores!!) soon, and you will be the first to hear about it. I'll also announce the launch party details here.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

Follow the melody


  • The mix sounds great, but needs a little bit of work. I am going in next Tuesday to finalise it, and then the mastering will begin.

  • We are hoping to schedule another photoshoot for the EP cover soon.

  • The design plans for the EP and website are well on their way.

    I am resting! We have some illness in the family and birthdays and operations and and and..

    Thanks for checking in.
  • Saturday, May 06, 2006


    Hi friends!

    I am picking up a mix tonight, looking forward. Hopefully things will be finalised next week and I can get into having this available for everyone by the end of May.

    We also had a photoshoot today and should have another one soon. The team is growing. Thanks to those of you who have signed up for the mailing list, when the EP is ready, the first mail should go out. Feel free to pass it on, as well as this site address, to your friends.

    Thanks a ton for your patience.



    Tuesday, May 02, 2006

    Mailing list

    If you wish to be on the mailing list for music updates, please send your name and email to

    It shouldn't be anything too frequent and spammy.



    Your email address will not be passed on to any other persons or company, will not be used to fill out free iPod offers or sign up for porn... unless you're into that sort of thing. The email address you supply is for the eyes of Kat McKenzie and her minions only.