Sunday, December 25, 2005

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

::December21:: Progress report


In progress:

So Long
Say Something
Fool's Blues
Find the Light
Never Thought
Dark Horse
On the Way Down
The Middle
I've Always Known Him
Not Over Yet

Incomplete/put aside (but will go back to):

Come On
When It All Falls Away
Man Who Knows Nothing

Thursday, December 08, 2005

::December8:: Progress report


In progress:

Say Something
Fool's Blues
Find the Light
Never Thought
Dark Horse
On the Way Down
The Middle
I've Always Known Him

Incomplete/put aside (but will go back to):

Come On
When It All Falls Away
Man Who Knows Nothing
Not Over Yet

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Site updates

New pic. A few updates on the news bar and main site with what I'm up to (not a lot changed, still just lots of writing!)

Gig coming up New Years Eve.. finalising details. And I'm still whittling that song list down. It'll probably change again right before recording.

New site hopefully up before the gig? :)


Monday, November 21, 2005

EP schm-EP

So I'm having trouble choosing 4 songs for the EP. I deliberately only want 4 as I want it to be short enough for a listening session that doesn't take up too much time, but it shows off what I can do.

Unfortunately, I really want Believe in Me on there. It really is my best song. And the recording of it I have (be it 5+ years old) is pretty damn good.

So I've whittled it down to:

Believe in Me
Break Your Heart
Only One
Up for Air
Mess of Me
The Middle
Say Something

Now you haven't heard most of these songs. Hell, they're a weird bunch. But I think they're the best. If any of you have heard some of my other songs and think one of them really needs to be on it, speak up now. I'm going to keep working on these and get it down to the best selection.

Oh and after I've done that, I'm going to work on a few gig setlists. Then I will find gigs. I will have CDs and business cards to hand out on New Year's Eve, etc. And I've already got a MySpace! what more do I need? ;)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


One of the wonderful things about songwriting is that when a song is fresh and new, you can ignore it for a few days and come back to it again later with new eyes (ears). And if you don't listen to the previous (draft/writing phase) recording you made of it, you might sit down to continue it and end up writing something completely different. Sometimes something worse, and you screw your nose up and throw it out, going back to the recording.

But sometimes it's better. It's how it should be. And you're glad that you got there in the end.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Creative juices are flowing

Still having trouble with a few pieces but I'm working hard. Current projects:

- Vocals on a hard house track for a DJ duo from Auckland. Singing at their NYE gig most likely, but things are still being confirmed.

- Trying to work out which songs I am going to record for an EP. This is currently on hold, however, as I have decided to record what I can in my own studio before I think about recording elsewhere. I have to decide on the tracks (I'm thinking 4) and record vocal/piano tracks. I'll probably add guitar myself, but it'll be the new year before I can get all backing vocals (myself and a good friend/artist - my other backing vocalist) down and everything as good as I can get it.

Then I'll probably be so frustrated with it, I'll go to a studio. ;)

Hope you're all well, I'll keep you updated.

Monday, November 07, 2005

And I wrote it for you.

There's a new song floating in the creative space. It's called 21 and I'm determined to make this song one of my best. It's taking a lot out of me - it's a very personal song.

It hurts me and heals me. But I'm dying to get it all out.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

::November1:: Progress report

In progress:

Fool's Blues
Find the Light
Never Thought
Dark Horse
On the Way Down
The Middle
I've Always Known Him

Incomplete/put aside:

Come On
When It All Falls Away
Man Who Knows Nothing
Not Over Yet

Thrown out:

Better Things

Monday, October 17, 2005


One song of mine I love/am proud of:


One song of mine I hate/want to throw out/never hear again:

Better Things

I think I'll do this often. Hopefully I won't throw too many songs out. ;)

Monday, October 10, 2005

A song list.

[I've spent days getting recordings onto the computer. 8 hours a day on a computer at work and then hours on a computer at night... my eyes!]


Believe in Me
Break Your Heart
Crying Girl
Find the Light
Here to Take
Honestly (see me now)
Only One
Take me Home
Theme from Pathways**
Up for Air

Incomplete/fine tuning:

Dark Horse
Better Things
Fool's Blues
Mess of Me
The Middle
Never Thought

Really, really incomplete/dead:

Come On
I've Always Known Him
Man Who Knows Nothing
Not Over Yet
The Pear Tree
To Own
When it All Falls Away


Sunday, October 09, 2005

Song clip

Just for you. Cause, you know, I kinda like you.

Download a 30-second clip of

[Hiding] - (466kb)

::October9:: Progress Report

Discovered a large pile of MDs with old recordings. So I have some old songs to play around with.


Better Things
Fool's Blues
Find the Light

In progress:

Never Thought (working title)
Dark Horse
On the Way Down
The Middle
I've Always Known Him


Come On
When It All Falls Away
Man Who Knows Nothing
Not Over Yet

Friday, September 30, 2005


Hello, young lovers~

I am looking into recording an EP over the next few months. Mucho exciting. Other than that, I am writing writing writing. Lots of experimentation with different feels and styles going on at the moment. Hoping to get the site re-opened soon with a glorious new look.

Thanks for checking in! Have a great weekend.

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

::September28:: Progress report

In progress:

Never Thought (working title)
Dark Horse
On the Way Down
The Middle
I've Always Known Him


Come On
When It All Falls Away
Man Who Knows Nothing

Not Over Yet

Thrown Out (moved to MAYBE LATER pile):
To Own

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Feels like I never sleep

There is so much going on right now. The site hasn't had a single second of revamping done in months - mainly because my design team are a little tied up with other projects (finishing degrees, etc) and I've been very tied up with family and health problems.

Exhaustion sucks. Big time. It's hard to write when your energy levels are so low.

I'm planning on going through my MDs on the weekend and getting every single song recording up onto the computer. I also want to re-record a few pieces and put some words/work into a few I've been neglecting.

So things are happening. I just have to make time these days. Still counting down the months until I can quit work. ;)

Thanks for checking in. ♥

::September20:: Progress report

In progress:

Never Thought (working title)
The Middle
I've Always Known Him
When It All Falls Away
Not Over Yet
Come On


Man Who Knows Nothing

Thrown Out (moved to MAYBE LATER pile):
To Own

Thursday, August 25, 2005

::August25:: Progress report

In progress:

The Middle
I've Always Known Him
When It All Falls Away
Not Over Yet
Come On


To Own
Man Who Knows Nothing

Thrown Out (moved to MAYBE LATER pile):

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Site update

Hey ladies and gents,

The site has gone into construction mode - no access while the revamp is in progress. Keep in touch with what I'm doing via this blog.

Syndicated on LJ: katsmusicroom

Monday, August 08, 2005


I started this piece that I just can't seem to finish right. I know it will take several months to get it perfect, but I think it's my most classical yet (and that's saying a lot - I don't usually go that way).

I'll fill you in more when I know more about it. :)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

::August2:: Progress report

In progress:

I've Always Known Him
When It All Falls Away
Not Over Yet
Come On


To Own
Man Who Knows Nothing

Monday, July 25, 2005


If you haven't heard Anna Nalick yet, you should definitely check it out.

Breathe (2am) is my favourite from the album, and you can listen to it on the site.. fantastic album.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

::July19:: Progress report

In progress:

I've Always Known Him
When It All Falls Away
Come On


To Own
Man Who Knows Nothing

Thrown out/will be re-written:



May this be a place to come and share your thoughts. I hope to have some new tracks up soon on the site. Keep an eye out for the latest news.