After I was (rather awesomely) included on the Lip Service soundtrack (track 19, bebe!), my popularity on Twitter under my music account ( skyrocketed from 88 followers to the 340+ it is today. It has been a bit nutty, but incredibly fun and exciting. I have a lesbian following!
Shortly before the show’s run was due to end, they announced that they would be holding a finale event in Glasgow, with a Q&A and meet-and-greet with the creator and actors, and then a big party that night with “musicians from the show”. I immediately messaged Harriet Braun on Twitter (show creator) about whether I could play, and she referred me to the media company hosting the gig, Wire Media.
Some tweets and emails later, I am now playing the first 25 minutes of the musical portion of the evening, and can’t can’t wait. I am planning on writing something new, but otherwise it’ll just be my usual flair, with Break Your Heart as a feature, after its popularity in the show.
At the bottom of this post is the poster for the gig (click for larger size), which I am not pushing in many places, mainly because you’d have to be a fan of the show to really appreciate it, and it’s kinda expensive at £56.
I’m not sure if anyone from the beeb will be there, but the fact that the cast and creator will be is pretty awesome, in my eyes.
I’m also mentioned in the press release which talks about me being “aptly-named”, as one of the characters in the show is (was!) Cat Mackenzie. I did bring that up at the time when I was asked to have my music included, and I do think it’s an excellent coincidence.
So me and my broken voice are rehearsing and writing, and I can’t wait to share some pictures from the event with you all.