Saturday, September 30, 2006

It's here.

album coverKAT MCKENZIE: Hiding

A soulful and often haunting blend of pop and rock.

Buy the CD

More retailer links coming soon.. as well as the new website. If you're from NZ or Australia, drop me an email and we'll sort it all out.



Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Oh what a night.

Originally uploaded by Sarathine.
The EP gig was wonderful. We had a crowd of 35-40, a good atmosphere and we had a lot of fun. There was some flubs here and there in the music department, but nothing major, and I'm quite happy overall.

Photos from the night are up at my Flickr. CD available online very soon!



Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The score

So we've had a little bit of news and flurry stirred about the gig. Online communities know, posters are up in places, texts have gone out, emails have gone out (with pdfs attached!), and there's a small article in the local paper:

Hutt News 19/09/06

Monday night I called up my "asian sweatshop workers" and they came around to help me score/crease all of the front and back slicks for the EP. Here's the three of them at work:

My Asian Sweatshop

More photos of that night are at my Flickr here.

Almost all of the first 200 made have been done, and I've sent off copies to one of my US retailers, the other will follow next week. I'll be sure to let you know how you can get one soon.

I'm also hoping to send copies to a few important folk, as well as musicians I admire. Let's just hope the buzz continues and we have a great night on Saturday. Of course, you'll get the full scoop here next week.

Thanks for being here and supporting me. Keep it up. Can't do it alone.



Thursday, September 14, 2006