Thursday, June 29, 2006


If you read my other blog, you'll know that I have been on a course at night lately. And my weekends have been gone. I feel like my house has been a mess for a month and I haven't worked out for 3 weeks. And the worst thing?

Damn I miss my piano.

Gonna have a good play tonight.

Pssst! Come back next week for an EP announcement! It's dropping very soon!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Life, life, life

I hate making this post without having an EP to give you.

But honestly, life just gets in the way and these things take way longer than you expect. I have given you so many false deadlines and dates, and I just don't want to anymore. So the truth of the matter is: I have so much going on in my life right now. So many personal issues. And add to that the fact that I have taken up a course that runs 6-10pm when I am already working 8-5.

But I promise you, it is coming. It is being duplicated and printed, and soon it will be shipped to the sellers and plugged in all the right places (if you want to link to us, I will have some banners ready soon) and the site is being looked at by a good designer.

And then the party will come and Wellington/New Zealand/the intarweb will be (more) aware, and then I can start begging you all to talk about the EP and me and blast my links everywhere.

Thanks for sticking by me and being so patient. I will deliver.. I just don't know exactly when.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

::June4:: Progress report

Keep listening out for EP updates and make sure to send in to join the mailing list!

In progress:

Open Sky (working title)
So Long
Say Something
Never Thought
Dark Horse


Better Be Home Soon
Man With the Child in His Eyes

Incomplete/put aside (but will go back to):

On the Way Down
Untitled (waltz)
Fool's Blues
I've Always Known Him
Not Over Yet